Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

Tamil Education
Explore the Tamil language & culture at Sasurie College. Develop literary skills & embrace its heritage.

English Education
Learn English at Sasurie College of Education. Elevate language skills & enjoy studying literature.

Mathematics Education
Discover the brilliance of Math! Develop skills, solve problems, and create a brighter future.

Physical Science Education
Revolutionize your Physical education career by joining our course. Experience the best curriculum with us.

Biological Science Education
Explore the wonders of life with Sasurie's Biological Science Education. Enroll now for an enriching career!

Computer Science Education
Discover the dynamic world of coding and technology with our computer science education course at Sasurie!

Commerce & Accountancy
Gain practical knowledge in commerce & accounting with Sasurie's comprehensive course. Join our course now!

History Education
Discover the past with Sasurie's engaging History education course, spanning centuries in four semesters.

Economics Education
Empower your career with an Economic education course from Sasurie! Expand your educational borders with us.
For Admission to the B.Ed Programme Equivalent Subjects
Sasurie college Of Education offers undergraduate programmes .The Insitution plays an Significant role in making the students competent enough for the society. It plays an important role in the promotion of interaction of students with experienced personnel, conducts career development programmes to empower students.
Candidates with the following Percentage in the Bachelor’s Degree Eligible for Admission.
In PG Commerce and Economics, Qualification will be Mandatory with 50% Marks.
- OC – 50%
- BC / BCM – 45%
- MBC (V) MBC / DNC – 43%
- SC / SCA/ ST – 40%

The candidates should have undergone a 10+2+3(15) or 10+2+4/5 pattern of study and passed the qualifying examination conducted by the respective State Board or CBSE or any other recognized Board of Education / Examination and UG Degree Examination of the UGC recognized Universities in any one of the school subjects offered by the Directorate of School Education at the Secondary / Higher Secondary Education level.
The Three-year Diploma in Engineering shall be treated as equivalent to a +2 course for eligibility for admission.
Candidates who have passed the U.G. or P.G. Degree under the Open University System with a 10+2 pattern of School Education examination shall not be eligible for admission.
Candidates who have studied more than one major subject in Part III/Part IV (under Double / Triple Major System) of UG Degree course should have to choose only one of the main subjects and should have applied for that major subject only. In such cases, marks obtained by the candidates in two / three major subjects shall be taken in to account to arrive at the percentage of marks as stipulated in item (ix) herein.
Candidates, who have passed any degree under Additional Degree Programme or lateral entry mode with less than three years duration, are not eligible for admission.
Candidates who have passed under four year Dual Degree Programme with two major subjects under Part- III are not eligible for admission.
Candidates who have qualified the P.G. Degree in the subjects such as Home Science, Economics, Commerce, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Logic, Indian Culture, and Philosophy with not less than 50% of marks are eligible for admission, subject to the condition that the major subject in the UG and PG Degrees shall be one and the same.
Candidates who have qualified the PG Degree (5 year integrated course) under 10 + 2 + 5 pattern of study, shall be considered for admission. In such cases, the marks obtained by the candidates in the first three years (in major and ancillary or allied subjects alone) of the course alone shall be taken in to account for admission to B.Ed. Degree programme for the subjects in Tamil/Urdu (Urdu in Self-Financing Colleges only), English, Mathematics, Physical Science (Physics), Physical Science (Chemistry), Biological Science (Botany), Biological Science (Zoology), History, Geography, and Computer Science.
The marks obtained by the candidates in the last two years (4th & 5th year) alone shall be taken into account for admission to B.Ed. The degree program for the subjects in Home Science, Economics, Commerce, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Logic, Indian Culture, and Philosophy.
a) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Applied Mathematics can apply for Mathematics.
b) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Applied Theoretical Physics, Geo-Physics, Bio-Physics, and Electronics, can apply for Physical Science.
c) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Applied Chemistry, can apply for Physical Science.
d) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Advanced Zoology, Bio-Technology, Plant-Biology, and Plant Bio-Technology, can apply for Biological Science.
e) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Environmental Science and Micro-Biology, can apply for Biological Science.
f) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Applied Geography, can apply for Geography.
g) Candidates, who have done their UG Degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Computer Application, can apply for Computer Science.
h) Post Graduate candidates in Economics, Commerce, Home Science, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Logic, and Indian Culture with not less than 50% (irrespective of their UG Marks) of marks in PG Degree or the interdisciplinary subject, which are being declared equivalent by the respective University can apply.
i) Candidates, who have done their PG Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, are eligible to apply for Home Science.
j) Candidates, who have done their U.G. degree in the school subjects: Tamil/Urdu (Urdu in Self-Financing Colleges only), English, Mathematics, Physical Science (Physics), Physical Science (Chemistry), Biological Science (Botany), Biological Science (Zoology), History, Geography, and Computer Science are eligible for admission to B.Ed. However, those who have done the U.G. in the subjects for which equivalence is not covered under the G.O. are not eligible for admission.
k) All the B.E./B.Tech. graduates irrespective of their Branch in Engineering/Technology are eligible to study either mathematics or physical science as a Pedagogy of School Subject. However the B.E./B.Tech. Graduates in Computer Science related branches and Bio-Technology related branches are also eligible to study Computer Science and Biological Science as Pedagogy of school subjects respectively. The reservation of seats for the graduates in B.E/B. Tech in each Pedagogy of School Subject (viz. Mathematics, Physical Science, Biological Science & Computer Science) shall be 5% only.
l) Candidates who have passed a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering with not less than 3 years of duration under lateral entry are also eligible for admission.
Candidates with the following marks in the UG Degree are eligible for admission to B.Ed. Degree program with the subjects such as Tamil/Urdu (Urdu in Self-Financing Colleges only), English, Mathematics, Physical Science (Physics), Physical Science (Chemistry), Biological Science (Botany), Biological Science (Zoology), History, Geography, and Computer Science. The marks obtained in UG Degree alone shall be taken to arrive at the eligibility even if they possess PG Degree in the same subject. For the subject in Home Science, Economics, Commerce, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Logic, Indian Culture, and Philosophy, PG Degree with not less than 50% marks is mandatory and the subjects in UG and PG shall be the same.