Become a StudentChance To Be A Part
Chance To Be A Part
Of Sasurie
The instruction for the admission process is as follows.

- Admission for Application to courses should be made in the prescribed Application form which is available in Our College Website and College Office.
- Incomplete application forms will not be accepted. All the details given by the candidates in the application form should be accurate.
- The selected candidates should deposit all the original certificates in college and they will not be returned till the completion of the course. They are therefore advised to take sufficient number of photo copies of all the certificates before submitting the originals to the college.
- Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Trainees who are dismissed on disciplinary grounds will forfeit the entire fees paid to the college.
- A student once enrolled in the course is expected to complete the same. If a Student wishes to leave any time before the completion of that course, he/she will have to pay the entire fees for the course duration.

The Following Documents be Submitted by the Students at the Time of Admission
Documents Required

Personal Details
Application form
Passport Size Photo (Each 5 nos)
Transfer Certificate
Aadhar Card Xerox
Hostel Application
Community Certificate

Education Details
PG degree / provisional
PG consolidate mark sheet
SSLC Mark Sheet
HSC Mark Sheet
UG degree / provisional
UG consolidates mark sheet